Our Awesome Team
This is a busy store which requires an excellent team to keep it running smoothly.
We are lucky to have such a team.

Drew (Drewy)
Commercial fisherman with experience working in line, Mudcrab, Ocean Beach, and Inshore net fisheries as well as a commercial Beach Worm harvester for over 25 years. Drew’s a die hard club fisherman, competition angler, President of Rainbow Beach Amateur Anglers Inc and founder and director of Gardiner Fisheries Pty Ltd. Drew’s a surf fishing Specialist and a wealth of information that knows the waters around Rainbow literally like the back of his hand.

Simon (Simo)
Fisherman, Beach Worm harvester and commercial fish filleter. A master on the knife, Simo keeps our fish fileting facilities in tip top operation and running flawlessly.

Catherine (Jam)
Drew’s better half, looks after quality control, product distribution and customer service duties all while keeping Drewy in line and their 3yr old daughter Eloise. 🙂

Eloise (Ellie)
The cutest shopkeeper that greets every customer with a smile.

Our volunteer manager goes above and beyond with customer service. Ash is a jetski fisher that loves chasing jacks inshore & snapper offshore in his spare time. He keeps the team running smoothly, implements systems, and spends countless hours as the safe keeper of our worm biotank systems…. The worms love him.

Commercial fisherman and young gun beach worm harvester, Jye loves competitive fishing. Jigging Red’s, Snapper on Plastics, bottom bashing livies or float lining for Mulloway, Jye has it down pat. When he’s not at work you will find him on the deck of Rainbow Escape Charters. One of our offshore gurus.

Melca (Mel)
Quality control specialist. John West has nothing on Mel. If she won’t eat it, it doesn’t go in our freezer for bait!… no if’s or but’s, Mel’s the boss of the bait.
Many of our unique and specialty items are available via our online shop
We also do phone orders and are happy to answer questions about our products.
If you are interested in joining our fishing competitions and want to know more, drop in for a chat or visit our Fishing Comps web page.
GARDINER FISHERIES – 1 Karoonda Road, Rainbow Beach Qld 4581 | 0404 853 232 | TRADING HOURS: MONDAY – SUNDAY: 6:00AM – 6:00PM
1 Karoonda Road, Rainbow Beach Qld 4581
0404 853 232
6:00AM – 6:00PM